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"When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you

shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be

found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the

fire (to Molech), or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who

interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a

spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an

abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your

God drives them out from before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord

your God. For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers

and diviners; but as for you, the Lord your God has not appointed such for

you. The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet (Messiah) like me

from your midst, from your brethren. Him you shall hear" (Deuteronomy


Years ago, a young man came to my hotel room seeking advice about a

troublesome, spiritual "message" he had received. It was this: On a specific,

named day of the week, he was told that his wife and baby would be killed in

a car wreck. He was even told the city where it would occur. The message

further warned him not to tell anyone. When he reluctantly shared that

frightening information with me, I immediately explained that he had received

a psychic-prophecy. It was not God's "word of knowledge" but a demonic

counterfeit, such as fortune-tellers and clairvoyants experience. I explained

that genuine "words of knowledge," I Corinthians 12:8, are always in harmony

with the Covenant of Grace. No where does the Covenant provide for car

wrecks, mangled bodies, and broken homes. Read it for yourself. Jesus came

to "heal ... recover ... liberate" (Luke 4:18,19). Such psychic-initiated disasters

are the works of Hell (I Peter 5:8,9). Satan came to "kill, steal, and destroy"

(John 10:10). Jesus brings life "more abundantly."

Since this young man, like many other Christians, was uninformed about the

reality of such an experience, his wife and baby were in very real danger. As

with most of us, he had probably read horoscopes, played with a Ouigi Board,

had his palm read, or done other things that left an occult shadow over him.

Without wasting a moments time, I laid hands on him and took total, absolute,

unconditional authority over that prophecy in the Name of Jesus Christ. As a

believing disciple, empowered by the Holy Spirit and speaking the Word of

God from my mouth--and not in any ability of my own--we cancelled the

devil's forecast. I declared it null and void, powerless and impotent by the

blood of Jesus. Do I actually believe disciples have that power? Absolutely.

Jesus taught it, the Apostles confirmed it, you and I had better learn it. Mark

16:17,18. Luke 10:17-20. James 4:7,8. II Corinthians 10:3-5. Matthew 10:1.

Mark 6:13. Revelations 12:10,11.

As this young man talked, I remembered my own wife's tragic automobile

wreck in which she had 13 broken bones and fractures, a collapsed lung,

concussion of the brain, and so many injuries she could not be moved. That

disaster followed a month-long psychic foreknowledge I had which was

identical to this young husband and father. But, this was before my spiritual

"renewal" and unlike him, no one told me how to stop it. I told him of a

youthful Baptist pastor in a similar hotel room several years ago who wept out

the tragic story of a father in his congregation who dreamed a certain individual would be killed. A short time later the person died tragically. Soon

after that, the man dreamed again; this time it was his son who would be

killed. He was told to warn the boy about his impending death. The father

ignorantly submitted to everything the dream demanded and two weeks later

the boy died in a tragic automobile wreck. The church and family were both

religiously confused and emotionally devastated.

During our visit, I recalled the time in Atlanta when another precious Christian

brother was killed in a car wreck within ear-shot of my house a few hours after

his wife foolishly obeyed a "message" to make his funeral arrangements. At

the time, he was in robust health. Obediently, she carried out every detail of

notifying the pall bearers, selecting the soloist and songs, informing the two

ministers who spoke--I being one of them--and choosing the Funeral Home.

She left nothing unfinished. Without realizing it, she cooperated with Hell and

in-effect told the devil, "Go ahead." He quickly did.

Another Christian family came to mind; a mother, father, two grandmothers,

who were swept away in a flash flood after a relative had a psychic "warning"

she ignored. Nothing was done to resist the disaster. As a result, lives were lost

and children orphaned. This family was one I had known for many years.

Absolutely, their tragic deaths were not the will of God. Such disaster violates

every provision of God’s Covenant of Grace. Later, the person, who had the

"warning," received another. She dreamed that her daughter called in the

night, shouted her husband's name into the telephone and said, "He's dead!"

Again, the omen was ignored; no authority was taken in the Name of Jesus.

Soon afterward, the mother's phone rang in the night, exactly as she had been

fore-warned, her daughter shouted her husband's name into the receiver and

said, "He's dead!" The man had just been murdered–shot in his office, behind

his own desk. Again, there had been no exercise of Jesus' authority against the

psychic prophecy. Later, as I stood at that man's casket, I wondered, "God!

What does it take to wake up people to the reality that we are in spiritual war?!

How long will the church stumble on in its blindness?!" I am still waiting. But

I am not waiting silently. Years ago, God took me from pastoral work, sent me

into the field, and said, "Go wake up my church!"

Before her death in the Paris car-crash, Princess Diana was told by her psychic

that "Happiness will always be snatched away from you." In submitting to that

horribly-oppressed Medium instead of God, Princess Diana surrendered to

Hell's agenda. The night of the crash, her new engagement ring lay beside her

on the floor of the bloodied car. It was not even on her hand when she died.

Instead, "happiness had been snatched away" from her. "Life and death are in

the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21). Jesus also said, "I give you power

to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy" (Luke

10:19). Whom are we going to believe? Jesus or the warlock?"

Soon after my "Spiritual Renewal" and return to Delray Beach, Florida, a

friend and I went to a Psychic Fair at the local Mall and passed out tracts

entitled Is It Dangerous To Consult Psychics? The tract contained Scripture

quotations expressing God's warning against those who practice and those

who receive divination (Deuteronomy 18:10-12. II Kings 17:17,18. Isaiah

47:12-15. Ezekiel 12:24. I Samuel 15:23. II Chronicles 33:6. Exodus 22:18.

Galatians 5:19-21. Acts 16:16). Understandably, the psychics were outraged,

the police were called, reporters and photographers from the local newspaper

came on the scene. At one point, the woman in charge of the Fair called the

Police Officer to where we stood and shrieked at me, "Tell him your name!"

"You’re a psychic!," I replied, "You tell him my name." Our legal complaint to

which the Officer listened, was that the Psychics were selling self-hypnosis

tapes to children. Even so, my friend and I were portrayed by the newspaper

the next day (with our photographs) as the real villains.

Later, the man in charge of the Fair approached me privately. He had read the

tract, was genuinely concerned, but defensive for the fortune tellers. "I've

worked with these psychics for eighteen years," He said, "and I know that

what they say frequently comes to pass." I agreed. Pointing to the parking lot,

he explained, "Suppose that a psychic tells you that tomorrow at this same

time there will be a green car in that spot, a white one next to it, and a red

truck speeding by." I listened. "They tell you that a child runs out from

between those cars and is killed. You come here tomorrow and it happens

exactly like they said ..."

I stopped him. "I know what you are saying is true. Psychics frequently tell

things that actually happen," I said, "But you don't understand--the psychics

are not merely predicting them--they are causing them. Through their evil

prophecies, they fulfill the devil's will." When I said that, truth shot through

him like a bullet. He slumped, turned slowly toward me, wide-eyed, mouth

open. I will never forget his stare or the terror in his eyes. "How do I get out of

this?!," He asked. "You need to be saved," I answered. "How?!" "Ask Jesus to

forgive you. Tell Him you want to be born-again," I explained, "Commit your

life to Him." I then led him through the Apostle Paul’s explanation in

Romans chapter ten, of believing in his heart, confessing with his mouth, and

being saved. Standing there in the Mall he did exactly that, humbly, sincerely

praying the salvation-prayer. I never heard from him again; hopefully, his wife

also became a believer and was rescued from her work with demons.

Someone asks, "How can sincere Christians, such as the young man who was

told to expect the deaths of his wife and baby, experience such devilish dreams

and messages?" The answer is that we have not yet been through the

Resurrection. Our "corruptible has not put on incorruption, nor has our mortal

put on immortality"(I Corinthians 15:53,54). Until that happens, we are

engaged in constant, unending spiritual war ( Ephesians 6:10-18). Our

regenerate spirit is immune to demons, yes, but soul and body, mind and flesh,

remain their battleground. If unprotected, these areas can be penetrated by

powers of darkness. Scripture and common sense confirm this fact (Luke 9:55.

II Corinthians 11:4). People with histories of psychic premonitions need

deliverance. Such patterns frequently exist for generations in a family.

If you ever receive a dream or message such as those I described, do not

accept it. It may destroy you or someone else. God gave you the authority to

crush its effect in your life (Romans 16:20. Luke 10:17-19. Mark 16:17-20. I

Peter 5:9. Revelation 12:10,11). Be alert! Be informed! Most importantly of

all, be victorious! Know the difference between God's "words of knowledge"

and the devil's "psychic deceptions." Life depends on it. Don't become another

statistic of Hell's delusion.


Other Bible References:

Old Testament:

Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

II Kings 17:17,18.

Isaiah 47:12-15.

Ezekiel 12:24.

I Samuel 15:23.

II Chronicles 33:6.

Exodus 22:18.

New Testament:

Mark 16:17,18.

Luke 10:17-20.

James 4:7,8.

II Corinthians 10:3-5.

Matthew 10:1.

Mark 6:13.

Galatians 5:19-21.

Acts 16:16.

Authority over demons:

Romans 16:20.

Luke 10:17-19.

Mark 16:17-20.

I Peter 5:9.

Revelation 12:10,11.

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