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R.T. Kendall, Jack R. Taylor, and Charles Carrin, each with decades of ministry experience, come together with a shared passion for the Word, the Spirit, and the power of God.

R.T. Kendall, known for his influential pastorate at Westminster Chapel in London, emphasizes openness to the Spirit's ministry.

Jack R. Taylor's extensive ministry, marked by encounters with God's Spirit, focuses on personal and corporate revival.

Charles Carrin's journey from skepticism to embracing the Holy Spirit's power underscores the transformative potential of combining Word and Spirit in ministry.

Together, they advocate for a revival of God's sovereign power in the church, believing it occurs when Word and Spirit are integrated harmoniously.

The Word, Spirit and Power concept grew out of the perceived need to bring together three Biblical streams that are combined in the Bible but too often divided in the Church. Denominations, and local churches, define themselves by their emphasis on one or the other. It was the heart of the Word, Spirit, Power team to combine these strengths as the Bible does to produce a vibrant corporate expression in the local church and a glorious global model of the Bride of Christ to the world. The POWER of God is released when the WORD of God and the SPIRIT of God are combined as Jesus Christ demonstrated it when He walked the earth and preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. ​ The team was composed of R.T. Kendall, Jack R. Taylor and Charles Carrin. ​ R. T. Kendall, American by birth, has spent twenty-five years pastoring the historic Westminster Chapel in London, England. Two names familiar across much of the twentieth century, G Campbell Morgan and Martyn Lloyd Jones, preceded him with rich ministries at The Chapel. In the last years, through his openness to the ministry of the Spirit, The Chapel became the scene of a season of divine visitation unprecedented in its long and fruitful ministry. In early 2002 he ended his long and effective tenure as pastor at the Chapel and moved back to his native land to continue ministry that he feels will be the most effective phase of his life. He is strongly supported by his wife, Louise. R.T. has written over 50 books and they are available at his website: ​ Jack R. Taylor had a ministry that spanned more than sixty-three years, twenty-five of which were spent in the pastorate where he witnessed moves of God in reviving. His first book "THE KEY TO TRIUMPHANT LIVING" is a tribute to personal and corporate revival and has sold upwards of 500,000 copies. His life was punctuated by encounters with the Spirit of God that changed his life and ministry. His desire was that his life and ministry never become static and retain the passion to know and experience God more and more. He was a frequent speaker in areas where revival has broken out such as Toronto, London and across North America. His passion was to see the church become Kingdom-centered and empowered by the Spirit to bring the terms of the written Word into living dynamic. Jack has written 13 books that, because of their content, continue to sell well across the world. Jack lived in Melbourne, Florida. You can find out more about Jack and his ministry through his website: ​ Charles Carrin has been in ministry more than 65 years. For the first half of that time he denied the Holy Spirit’s miraculous gifts were available today. A crisis in his own life–his wife's tragic automobile accident and his own suicidal depression that followed–forced him to admit he was lacking in true New Testament power. That plunged him into a frantic search for the Holy Spirit. Through a providential encounter with a Spirit-filled inmate in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary he found his answer and was gloriously filled with the power of God. Acts 1:8. Following that event, his ministry abruptly changed and he stepped into a new dimension of New Testament truth and might. Depression left, never to return. His book, The Edge of Glory, is used as a text book in some Bible Schools and is an authoritative challenge to the modern church’s cessation theology. ​ Though it was generally agreed that R.T. is the "Word" man, Jack was the "Spirit" man and Charles was the "power" man, each of them felt that he was free to articulate the message God had put in his heart. This made for a Spirit-anointed blending of powerful truths that transform by His Power. IT IS OUR OPINION—MORE THAN EVER—THAT THE GREAT NEED OF THE CHURCH IS GOD'S SOVEREIGN POWER. WE BELIEVE THIS POWER WILL COME TO THE DEGREE THE WORD AND SPIRIT ARE SIMULTANEOUSLY COMBINED.



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